Report Coupons
Coupon is the term we use to identify a pre-paid access code that is
used to complete
the Myprofile Assessment.
Access codes (Coupons) are sent by email together with
instructions and a Tax Invoice/Receipt within 24 hours.
Coupons do not have an expiry date and are each valid
for one report only.
- Payments are processed through STRIPE as our payment gateway
- All transactions are in Australian dollars and for Australian businesses, includes GST.
- Non Australian currencies will be converted to Australian Dollars by
your bank at their
prevailing rates, at the time of the transaction.
- Coupons will be emailed within 24 hours of
payment receipt.
Should you require more than 50 coupons, please
contact Michelle at
mish@myprofile.com.au for

When you purchase coupons enter a password together
with your email address.
This way you'll be able to
look up the Coupons you purchased and see those
that have been used and
which are un-used. You will
also be able to see who
used it and the date.
Coupons do not have an
expiry date, so this feature
is an excellent way to
manage your coupon
purchases and distribution.